Oscar Perks (Violin) & Ayaka Shigeno (Piano)

Leclair Violin Sonata in D major, Op.9 No.3
Beethoven Violin Sonata No.7 in C minor, Op.30 No.2
Albéniz Iberia, Book 2 (piano solo)
Fauré Violin Sonata No.2 in E minor, Op.108

Saturday 13 January 2024

Martineau Hall at Dorking Halls
Tickets £21

Oscar Perkins & Ayaka Shigeno

Oscar Perks studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School and read music at Cambridge. He now enjoys a career as a solo violinist and chamber musician as well as teaching. He played for some time in the Dante String Quartet, which gave several concerts in Dorking, and he now plays in a duet partnership with his wife; she is the Japanese pianist Ayaka Shigeno, another former Menuhin School student. Their concert begins with a sonata by Leclair, a key figure in French violin music, and continues with sonatas by Beethoven and Fauré. Ayaka Shigeno will also perform three pieces from Iberia by Albéniz, which counts among some of the most brilliant and virtuosic of piano music.

Piano sponsored by Christopher & Susan Pratt