Join us
Membership costs £12.00 per year (£20.00 for 2 people at the same address) and entitles members to discounted tickets, saving up to 20%.
To become a Member, please contact the Membership & Ticket Secretary (details below).
Discounts: Members
1-2 concerts: 10%
3-6 concerts: 15%
7 concerts: 20%
Single Members – 1 discounted ticket per event.
Joint Members – 2 discounted tickets per event.
Friend or Sponsor
For much needed additional support please consider contributing more than the membership fee and become a Friend or a Sponsor of the Concertgoers; a minimum contribution of £30.00 for Friends and £50.00 for Sponsors includes membership. Friends and Sponsors will be named in our concert programmes in recognition of their contribution.
Discounts: Friends & Sponsors
1-2 concerts: 10%
3-6 concerts: 15%
7 concerts: 20%
Friends – 4 discounted tickets per event.
Sponsors – Unlimited discounted tickets for each event.
If you are writing or revising your will, you might consider leaving a bequest to Dorking Concertgoers. You will be be helping to continue professional classical music in Dorking in the years ahead. It only requires a short sentence to be added to your will to make this possible.
To become a Member, Friend or Sponsor, please ring, write or e-mail:
Membership and Ticket Secretary
South Lodge, South Holmwood, Surrey RH5 4LZ
Telephone 01306 740619
Single £12.00
Joint £20.00
Student £5.00
£30 per person minimum including £12 membership
£50 per person minimum including £12 membership